1.04. Chinese internet firewall Print

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The Chinese authority manage the contents of internet; websites, social media, APP, etc., in China. This is often called the Great Chinese Firewall by the overseas press and businesses..

Many of Chinese internet rules and regulation protect the users and consumers.

While there are many views of weather this is a good or bad thing we recommend if wish to do business with another part of the world you need to respect local rules and regulations.

For more information please see: Chinese Internet Firewall

Can your business internet site be seen in China: Internet site visibility testing in China

Make your internet site be seen and found in China: Access to China services


Subject Action Recommended Priority Checked?
Political comments Remove / replace content which is inappropriate for the Chinese internet High  
International social media Remove / replace content which is inappropriate for the Chinese internet High  
Pornographic Remove / replace content which is inappropriate for the Chinese internet High  
Gaming / gambling Remove / replace content which is inappropriate for the Chinese internet High  
Google Remove / replace content which is inappropriate for the Chinese internet High  
IP address blocked If your internet site is blocked due to inappropriate content changing the IP address will create a temporary fix. Medium  
IP address blocked in error If your internet site is blocked in error changing the IP address will create a temporary fix High  

Version V1.3. - 22 May 2019

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