1.10. Chinese internet multi media Print

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In China on-line multi-media is viewed on mobiles and tablets at home, while travelling and in the offices / schools. Viewing multi-media on mobile and tablets has overtaken watching TV..

Multi-media for information, promotions, selling, training, etc, are successfully bridging the gap between language, cultures and the understanding of business and products..

For more information please see: Chinese Multi-Media and Chinese visibility testing


Subject Action Recommended Proirty Checked?
Website Is your multi-media available in China? High  
LinkedIn Is your multi-media available in China? High  
Social media Is your multi-media available in China? High  
Update marketing material Is the multi-media links in your business marketing material available in China High  
Chinese sub-titles Add Chinese sub-titles to your videos Medium  
Chinese social media Load your content to Chinese social where appropriate Medium  

Version V1.8. - 18 June 2019

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