1.07. Chinese automated translation Print

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Chinese people are not put off by internet content in a foreign language. The translation software used in China, in browsers, mobiles, etc, has been developed to translate Chinese to and from most foreign languages.

Whatever languages is on your internet site, do not use automatic translation. The Chinese reader will not know that they are reading an automatic translation. Your Chinese reader will see a poorly translated content which will reflect badly on your company.

The Chinese reader will use an automatic translation as when needed, e.g. Baidu automatic translation. In doing so, the Chinese reader will know that the Chinese language presented has been automatically translated and does not reflect on badly on your company.

If time and resources allow, have a Chinese speaker read your internet content in Chinese using Baidu automatic translation. Check for any major issues in automatic translation of the Chinese language. Where major translation issues are identified, look at changing your local language content.

Automatic translation will not help your ranking in the Chinese search engines.

For more information please see: Chinese automated translation

Subject Action Recommended Priority Checked?
Automatic transactions Remove automatic transaction from all your internet contents High  
Your business internet site Check your local language internet contents in Chinese using automatically translation Low  
Linkedin Check your local language internet contents in Chinese using automatically translation Low  
Social media Check your local language internet contents in Chinese using automatically translation Low  
Update marketing material Check your local language internet contents in Chinese using automatically translation Medium  

Version V1.5 - 18 June  2019.

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