1.12. Up to date internet site content Print

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Keeping your internet content up date with your product and service information will support you when trading in China and overseas in general.

Chinese businesses will often check your company internet content to get a better understanding of your business before and after meetings.

For more information please see: Up to date Internet Contents

Subject Action Recommended Proirty Checked?
Website Is your company website up to date? High  
LinkedIn Is your business information on LinkedIn up to date? (LinkedIn is accessible in some parts of China) High  
Social media Is your business information on social media up to date (while most social media is blocked in China, often it is accessed from China through VPN if there as initial interest in China) Medium  
Email and WeChat Do your staff travelling overseas have a business email and WeChat address? High  
Update marketing material Is your business card, brochure, etc, up to date High  

Version v1.4. - 18 June 2019

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