1.02. Chinese internet structure

  • Internet presence in China is the best way to be seen provided it has access to all three major networks;
    • China Telecom
    • China Unicom (merge with China Netcom)
    • China Mobile

This option is only available if you have a Chinese company and ICP certification.

Many Chinese companies offer platform services in China, e.g. TMall Global, these services are hosted in Hong Kong with listing links on their Chinese platforms. In TMall Global example, the list is call “Trading without borders”

  • Only use a Hong Kong based internet presence if it has the connection directly to mainland China and to Europe through the Middle East.
  • Use Japan and Taiwan to host internet presence to reduce costs. Useful for large data volumes.
  • Singapore – for access to South Asia market. This is a poor option for China, as your internet traffic will often travel through Taiwan or Japan before entering China. Singapore does not have a direct link to mainland China.

For more information please see: Chinese internet structure

Can your business internet site be seen in China: Internet site visibility testing in China


Subject Action Recommended Priority Checked?
Do you a Chinese company Apply for an ICP certification High  
Hong Kong Hosting Do they have a direct link to Mainland China and at what cost High  
Hong Kong Hosting Do they have a direct link to Europa through the middle east and at what cost High  
Large data volumes Test transfer speeds from Japan and Taiwan Medium  
Chinese hosting Test the connection to all three major Chinese internet networks High  
Testing Test your hosting options from all locations around Asia and Europa High  

Version V1.5. - 23 May 2019

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