1.09. QR codes on the Chinese internet

QR (quick response) code is a method of "bar coding" a string of data. It can be used for website, email address, APP address, WeChat information, etc.

Whilst QR codes have been available world-wide for many years, China has been using them in recent years as replacement for the need to type more complex names in Latin characters.

For more information, please see:  QR codes on the Chinese internet


Subject Action Recommended Proirty Checked?
Website QR codes Create website QR codes High  
Social media QR codes Create social media codes High  
Email QR code Create email QR code High  
Update website Update your website with the QR codes Medium  
Update Business cards Update your website with the QR codes High  
Update marketing material Add the code codes to marketing material you are using in the Chinese market. This can be done with labels at the beginning. High  

Version V1.4. - 18 June 2019

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