3.01 Routes to the Chinese markets

There are different trading methods for Chinese businesses (B2B) and Chinese consumers (B2C) within both China and in your local market either over the internet or visitors from China.

Before you start, look at your business and product / service branding in China. If your business branding is not registered in China, we recommended you correct this ASAP. All your Chinese marketing can be undermined by another company; either Chinese or overseas, by registering your business brand(s) in China and reproducing your products /services locally.

For more information on registration of your trademarks in China, please see, Chinese Intellectual property rights

In addition, if you are selling goods inside China your product(s) may require local certification, e.g. power supplier need CCC certification. While it the responsibility of the Chinese importer to check and apply for any required certificate it may be appropriate for your business to be part of the certification process so that you have ownership of the final documentation.

Generally, this does not apply to products purchased from outside China and posted to a consumer in China. The major exception to this rule is power rating; China voltage is 220V/50HZ. This is different to the many countries, including UK, EU, USA.

For more information please see: Routes to the Chinese Markets


Subject Action Recommended Priority Checked?
Your current local market Are you receiving customers from Chinese market already; local, tourist, internet sales High  
Your current internet site Direct sales from your current internet site to the Chinese market High  
Chinese internet site platform Direct internet sales to China using Chinese eMall platforms Medium  
Chinese agent Appoint a Chinese agent Medium  
Chinese distributor Appoint a Chinese distributor Medium  
Chinese representative office Appoint a Chinese representative office Low  
Chinese product licensing Check and Chinese test / license your products in China Medium  
Chinese Joint venture Enter into a Chinese joint venture Low  
Create a Chinese business Wholly foreign owned Chinese enterprise (WFORE) Medium  

Version V1.3. - 20 June 2019

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