3.06. Shipping to the Chinese consumer Print

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Shipment to Chinese consumers is by airmail / air freight.

Shipping of goods to China is not as well established as shipping goods from China. The exception to this are the services offered by the Chinese e-Malls; i.e. TMall, Taobao, JDBuy, etc.

The Chinese e-Malls have the following procedures for overseas purchases;

  • Goods are ordered / purchased from the overseas
  • Goods are dispatched to China to a central clearing centre e.g. Hangzhou for Taobao / TMall
  • The goods clear customs and duties and local taxes paid
  • Goods are despatched to the consumer in China
  • If goods are returned, they are sent back to the central clearing centre. Forwarding from there will depend on instructions from the seller

Once the goods have arrived at the clearing centre in China the consumer can track the shipment process on their mobile APPs.

When purchasing international goods, the normally delivery time on the e-Mall sites is 15 days.

For more information please see: Shipping to the Chinese Consumer


Subject Action Recommended Priority Checked?
Shipping Options What shipping options are available High  
Chinese eMall Does Chinese eMall (Tmall, JDBuy) ofter shipping Medium  
Shipping service levels What are your shipping service levels Medium  
Shipping costs Are your shipping costs included in the price to the customer High  
Chinese duty Is there customs duty High  
Chinese duty payment How is customs duty paid High  
Returns How are returns going to handled High  

Version V1.3. - 20 June 2019

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