2.06. Chinese SEO, local and international Print

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There are four Chinese search engines, at the time of writing (April 2019) and two overseas search engines you should aim to get a high Chinese ranking in for the Chinese market.

If you have two domains with SEO data in Chinese and English, please remember to submit both domains to all search engines. The search engines, in the main, will allow the same site on a different domain name to be listed if the SEO data is in different language.

The biggest Chinese search engine is Baidu. The newest is Shenma, its growth is very strong taking almost 10% Chinese search engine market in 18 months.

Please remember, many Chinese people outside China search in Chinese in the international search engines, i.e. Google, Bing, etc.

For more information please see: Chinese SEO and Chinese Language on the internet

Subject Action Recommended Proirty Checked?
How many languages Do you have different domains names (or sub domain names) with SEO data in Chinese and English High  
Webmasters - Create / review your Chinese / international webmasters accounts Baidu - https://ziyuan.baidu.com/ High  
Sogou - http://zhanzhang.sogou.com/ Medium  
360 search - http://zhanzhang.so.com/ Medium  
Shenma - http://zhanzhang.sm.cn/ High  
Google - https://search.google.com/search-console/ High  
Bing - https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/ Medium  
Webmaster Submit sitemaps High  
Webmaster Monitor, review and improve SEO data High  

Version V1.5. - 20 May 2019

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