2.01 Chinese internet identity

Your Chinese online identity, while offering no major solution by itself, success the is greatly helped by your good management.

Prior to trademark registration you need to decide and create, a Chinese online identity.

The simplest solution is to use your existing business / brand online identity.

For more information please see: Chinese internet identity


Subject Action Recommended Proirty Checked?
Names Check the full meaning of your trademark, brand and product names in Chinese High  
Trademarks Register your trademarks in China High  
Brand name Register your brand name in China High  
Product names Register your product name in China High  
Domain(s) names Register your Chinese domain name High  
Chinese social media Create brand names etc in Chinese social media Medium  
Take action against any Chinese companies using your trademarks Take action against any Chinese companies using your trademarks once the registration is complete. High  

Version V1.3 - 27 May 2019

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